
Whilst all the FEVACA staff will work towards supporting our client’s health and wellbeing, we like to focus on the 5 following objectives:

• Eating and drinking well
• Sleeping well
• Being clean
• Living in a clean environment, and,
• Most of all feeling happy!

Each of our Children’s Homes and Supported Housing have a support worker, supervised by the Health Manager, who focuses specifically on the health and wellbeing of the young people. They complete assessments and monthly updates, providing support to engage with statutory services and social care, local medical services (GP, A&E, Dentist) and wider professionals, such as sports coaches and drop in clinics.

For further information please contact Alternatively, just call the office number on 01284 764411

I am in awe of the amazing work you do with young people, and I hope during my career  can make a difference in people’s lives the way you do.